
Christians, Like Christ, We Marry for Keeps (But): On Divorce, Remarriage + the Gospel

Christians, Like Christ, We Marry for Keeps (But): On Divorce, Remarriage + the Gospel

“What would you do if your husband cheated on you?”


“Really? Divorce? You’d just give up your family like that?”

“Give up on my family? Didn’t my husband give up on us the moment he cheated? I could NEVER trust him again!”

“That’s cold! I can’t believe you’d do that.”

“Are you SERIOUS?!”

This is a snippet from a conversation I had with a gentleman I dated well over a decade ago. I do believe that was the last conversation we ever had. He was an audacious fellow, and I was a little bit more than furious. The nerve of him. OF COURSE I’d divorce my unfaithful husband!  What was he thinking...that if we got married he could do whatever he wanted and I’d just deal with it? Tuh! Nope! I was so undone by his response. In fact, as I shared that conversation with girlfriends over the years, everyone said that I was right and agreed that this guy was clearly out of his mind. I didn’t need them to affirm me, of course. I already knew I was right. Indeed, I was more than right! 

But then I began to follow Christ.