“The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
As many of you may be aware, June is LGBT Pride Month. However, most may not be aware that June is also Truth + Fire’s anniversary month! (Yay! We’re turning 4 this year!) Of course, this blog’s mission and the LGBT agenda are diametrically opposed. Yet, I’ve decided to intersect our respective celebrations with a Pride Month series.
You read that correctly!
I've written quite extensively on LGBT matters over the years, so what better time than the present to share some of my favorite past and recent pieces? From my thoughts on gender identity to navigating faith-based convictions in the workplace to the role of the "gay Christian" in the Church, all of Truth + Fire’s LGBT-related content has been curated into a single collection for your reading pleasure this June.
I pray you enjoy reading each piece, and I sincerely do hope this series leads to many Gospel conversations with your LGBT-identifying loved ones this month and beyond.
With all the peace and love God intends,
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”