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Why the Prosperity Gospel is “Prevalent in ‘the Black Church’”

Why the Prosperity Gospel is “Prevalent in ‘the Black Church’”

As one who has enjoyed content by both Allie Beth Stuckey and Melissa Dougherty, it was nice to see the two women chat it up during a recent episode of Stuckey’s podcast Relatable. In summary, the episode focused mostly on Dougherty’s new book, her journey from New Ageism to Christ and her take on the various false teachings that have crept into the Church. Yet, the episode took an interesting turn in its final ten minutes during a segment entitled, “Prosperity Gospel in the Black Church”. 

As Dougherty concluded her thoughts on the “little gods” doctrine, a false, word of faith teaching that ascribes innate divinity to all mankind, Stuckey inquired: 

“Can I ask something? It’s gonna be controversial,” she acknowledged. “This seems to be especially prevalent in majority Black churches.

“There’s a lot of prosperity preaching, but [also] a lot of…’You are divine. You are a queen…a goddess…something special.’ I don’t know if you’ve ever talked about the roots of that, or why that is?”

For I 'Resolved to Know Nothing' About Israel-Palestine

For I 'Resolved to Know Nothing' About Israel-Palestine

Until recently, I’ve opted not to speak on the Israel-Palestine conflict in any public capacity: not on any of my platforms, not on social media, not at social gatherings, and especially not at work!

While the conflict predates my existence, it’s been an especially contentious topic since October 7, 2023 - the day Hamas led a coordinated, surprise attack against Israel. As others rushed to social media and traditional media spaces to voice their take on the matter, I decided to remain silent - not because I had nothing to say, but because I doubted my ability to engage the topic competently and graciously. I also feared the backlash and “cancellation” that would surely come to me for expressing deep concerns for, as well as sharp criticisms of, parties on both sides.

Nevertheless, a recent conversation with a coworker gave me a new perspective on the topic, and it finally emboldened me to publicly speak on the matter as much as the Lord would allow. 

Should Christians "Beg Off” Alistair Begg?

Should Christians "Beg Off” Alistair Begg?

With more than 50 years of faithful preaching of the Scriptures and zero public scandals, Pastor Begg had certainly earned my unofficial designation as a “solid” celebrity pastor. However, his recent handling of a cultural matter countered a Biblical worldview, and this was not at all consistent with the reputation that has long preceded him. 

Which begs the question that many have raised in recent weeks: What are we, as Believers, now to do with Alistair Begg?

Kat Von D Got Baptized, But…

Kat Von D Got Baptized, But…

Prior to episode 902 of the Relatable Podcast with Allie Beth Stuckey, I had extremely little knowledge of Kat Von D.

I’ve certainly heard her name in passing as I’ve consumed pop culture news over the years. In recent weeks, for example, I’d seen various headlines reporting on her recent baptism into Christianity. So, indeed, I’ve definitely heard of her. 

Yet, I’m embarrassed to admit that I was so unfamiliar with her claims to fame and professional résumé that I initially confused her with the burlesque dancer Dita Von Teese. In my defense, both women do have “Von” in their names; they’re both undeniably gorgeous, fair-skinned brunettes who often rock a bold, red lip; and they are both closely associated with Marilyn Manson. 

Their Eyes Were Watching Scott: How Conservatives Accidentally Went Woke

Their Eyes Were Watching Scott: How Conservatives Accidentally Went Woke

At the age of 65 with millions in the bank, Scott Adams has reached a point in his life where he just doesn’t give a hoot! 

Creator of the popular, albeit now widely canceled, ‘Dilbert’ comic strip and the author of nine books, Adams has what he calls “[bleep] you money”. During a 2019 interview with VLAD TV, Adams shared that he has four times over the amount of money needed to be financially set for the rest of his days. While he has no desire to quit working, he admitted that with the amount of money he has, he very well could, and he could tell his bosses, or anyone else with financial control over him, exactly how he feels on his way out.

This perhaps explains Adams’ now viral, racist tirade during which he called Black Americans a “hate group”. 

Loan Forgiveness for Me, but Not for Thee!

Loan Forgiveness for Me, but Not for Thee!

The debate over student loan forgiveness has been a surprisingly controversial topic among Americans and Christians alike. In this episode, host Veritéetfeu picks up where her article Student Loan Forgiveness: Considerations for Conservative Christians leaves off to discuss the realities, reactions, and the rhetoric surrounding this topic.

Student Loan Forgiveness: Considerations for Conservative Christians

Student Loan Forgiveness: Considerations for Conservative Christians

The day the Biden Administration announced its Student Loan Debt Plan, my best friend sent me a text.

“Thoughts?”, it read.

It accompanied an infographic detailing who qualifies for student loan forgiveness and the maximum amount to be forgiven per borrower under the Plan.

My immediate response was, “It ain’t enough,” along with a laugh out loud emoji.

I then went on to express that if this plan would tank the American economy, “I don’t want it.” “For me, if they could just waive the interest, I’d be grateful,” I added.

“I’m glad I went ahead and paid off my loans, with the help of [my husband] of course,” my best friend replied. “I wouldn’t qualify for this program anyway.”

My best friend, a mechanical engineer, paid off her student loans a few years back thanks to an aggressive repayment plan she and her husband, also a mechanical engineer, devised. I saw the sacrifices they made and was there to witness God lovingly “interrupting” their plan along the way with the birth of their children. But, eventually, she would taste the gloriousness that is freedom from student loan debt, and I have continued to praise the Lord on her behalf for that!

My scenario hasn’t been quite the same, but I’ve been nonetheless on my own plight to rid myself of student loan debt.

"Secondary Issues...?" Livestreaming Friday, 7/29 @ 7PM ET

"Secondary Issues...?" Livestreaming Friday, 7/29 @ 7PM ET

As current cultural trends and ideological differences seemingly divide Christians along political lines, Host Veriteetfeu is joined by Truth + Fire Subscribers and other special guests to discuss whether these divisions are actually Biblically necessary. Join the discussion live Friday, July 29th at 7PM ET.

Feeling Righteous Indignation, Won't Delete Later...

Feeling Righteous Indignation, Won't Delete Later...

Even as we might disagree politically with our progressive friends, I think the average American Christian has done a bang up job of trying to respect their “rights”, under U.S. law, to engage in what we well know are sins against God. For the most part, we really haven’t worked with fierce intention to overturn policies like Roe v. Wade, Obergefell v. Hodges (the 2015 ruling on same sex “marriage”), or other such laws. Instead, we have simply sought to reach the hearts and minds of those who would take advantage of their “right” to engage in those sins. We’ve discussed with them the spiritual and practical implications of their choices, and we have hoped that, in response to the Gospel, they’d come to repentance. Other than that, we’ve tried to mind our business and live quiet lives, all while knowing the days are evil.

Gossip Girl? What the Church Can Learn from Julie Roys

Gossip Girl? What the Church Can Learn from Julie Roys

I had never read The Roys Report before a couple of days ago, though I had heard of Julie Roys in passing. Both Mrs. Roys and her outlet are often associated with the latest scandal in Christendom. As such, I never felt it necessary to read her content, presuming I might be exposed to more gossip than that which edifies.

So when I learned of her latest piece on John MacArthur, I initially paid it no mind. Yet, after seeing various Believers dissecting and analyzing her report across social media - and some concluding that John MacArthur must resign from Grace Community Church (GCC), I decided to review the report for myself.