"Then the Lord called to the man...'Where are you?'": Men on Abortion
After thousands of years of human existence, women remain the only gender (of the only two genders) that can biologically become pregnant with, carry, and give birth to another human life. As such, it is only natural and understandable that the female perspective is considered in discourse on abortion. Yet, in the past 40 years, society has systematically and disingenuously presented the female perspective as the only perspective that matters, especially when that perspective is “pro-choice”.
Sure, the very camp that’s long supported rhetoric like “It’s a woman’s right to choose!” now also supports the “right to choose” of women who feel they’re men (thus, per society, they are “men”) - because, apparently, “men can get pregnant, too.” But gender confusion and obvious delusions aside, the male perspective on, and a man’s experience with, abortion is typically silent and silenced. And with abortion in the news quite frequently in recent months, I’ve found their silence rather deafening - perhaps as deafening as Adam’s as he watched Eve eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:6).