
Jesus Said MUCH More Than You Think

Jesus Said MUCH More Than You Think

We know Jesus was born outside of Bethlehem and laid in a manger (Luke 21:4-7). He went missing in the Temple at age 12 (Luke 2:41-52). He began His Ministry at about age 30 (Luke 3:23). And we know He was was crucified around age 33. There are many gaps in the Biblical history of Jesus's life. Yet, what we do know about his ENTIRE LIFE is He did His Father's will to the letter (John 4:24; 6:38). He never stepped outside of God's will in action, nor did He speak on His own volition (John 8:28). And when He spoke, He constantly referred to what God had previously said in the Old Testament, including the things spoken through God's Prophets (Matthew 19:8; 21:16; 12:3, Mark 7:10; John 7:15..etc).

So, why are people so quick to attempt to justify their sins because, "Jesus didn't say it was a sin"?