False Teachers

Why the Prosperity Gospel is “Prevalent in ‘the Black Church’”

Why the Prosperity Gospel is “Prevalent in ‘the Black Church’”

As one who has enjoyed content by both Allie Beth Stuckey and Melissa Dougherty, it was nice to see the two women chat it up during a recent episode of Stuckey’s podcast Relatable. In summary, the episode focused mostly on Dougherty’s new book, her journey from New Ageism to Christ and her take on the various false teachings that have crept into the Church. Yet, the episode took an interesting turn in its final ten minutes during a segment entitled, “Prosperity Gospel in the Black Church”. 

As Dougherty concluded her thoughts on the “little gods” doctrine, a false, word of faith teaching that ascribes innate divinity to all mankind, Stuckey inquired: 

“Can I ask something? It’s gonna be controversial,” she acknowledged. “This seems to be especially prevalent in majority Black churches.

“There’s a lot of prosperity preaching, but [also] a lot of…’You are divine. You are a queen…a goddess…something special.’ I don’t know if you’ve ever talked about the roots of that, or why that is?”

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Christian Influencers to Leave in 2023

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Christian Influencers to Leave in 2023

Since publishing the original SITMAC series in 2018, I’ve received several requests to write another installment. Admittedly, I didn’t believe one would be necessary because, as my logic went, by exposing the up and coming protégés of the old guard (see Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, etc), it should be easy to sniff out other false and extremely problematic preachers and pastors by association. Those birds all seemed to flock together, so writing about yet another member of their coop felt redundant. 

What I didn’t consider at the time, however, was the role social media was beginning to play in platforming charlatans who don’t necessarily have ties to the old guard. I also didn’t consider how, thanks to social media, false teachers and problematic brothers (and sisters) no longer need a pulpit or a local church to sow error and confusion before a mass of God’s people.

"No. Women may NOT be Pastors." Where is the lie?

"No. Women may NOT be Pastors." Where is the lie?

Dear Sisters in Christ,

As many of you may already be aware, March is Women's History Month. For 31 glorious days we have the opportunity to celebrate, commemorate and applaud women who have made (and are making) notable contributions to society. This annual observance, and simply observing women day-to-day, demonstrates we are competent, capable and courageous beings. Outside of our biological differences, we ladies really CAN do nearly anything men can do in general society and across various fields.

But here’s an unchangeable truth with which we all need to come to grips: In the family of God women MAY NOT assume spiritual authority over and teach men (1 Timothy 2:12).

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: 8 Preachers to Avoid in 2018

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: 8 Preachers to Avoid in 2018

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Paula White, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, and a host of other false teachers in their generation, is they’ve been scheming Believers and blaspheming the truth of God for 20+ years - and they show no signs of repenting. They don’t flinch or stutter when they preach lies, heresy and the doctrines of demons.  Indeed, they are false teachers through and through. The preponderance of the evidence is stacked so highly against them that this fact isn’t even debatable!

But there is a new generation of false teachers following in their footsteps, some of whom they’ve influenced, mentored and even raised from birth. But if it is possible, I pray this new generation will see their error and repent as soon as possible. Like their elders, this rising class of the uncalled are capturing the hearts of professed Believers the world over, especially among millennials, and they’re leading countless souls astray.  These preachers are young, funny, charming, wise (according to men), well-dressed, successful, physically attractive - and wholly unqualified to teach the people of God. Their doctrines are dangerous, their speech is destructive, and their errors are damnable. They withhold the Gospel, fail to teach the full counsel of God, and they readily compromise the truth.

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid Sarah Jakes-Roberts in 2018!

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid Sarah Jakes-Roberts in 2018!

Jakes-Roberts co-pastors One Church LA, one of the fastest growing churches in Los Angeles, alongside her husband, Touré Roberts. Much like her father, T.D. Jakes, Jakes-Roberts is a poised, articulate speaker who seems to possess a wealth of life wisdom. She appears pensive, and she speaks in paced patterns that suggest she is sincerely delving into the Word of God with great care and divine guidance. Yet, also like her father, she merely employs oratory techniques and leans a lot to her own understanding.

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid Tasha Cobbs-Leonard in 2018!

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid Tasha Cobbs-Leonard in 2018!

Cobbs-Leonard is not only a Grammy award-winning Gospel artist, she’s also a pastor and a prophet! As a Gospel artist, Cobbs-Leonard is a consistent talent with wonderfully powerful vocals. The messages in her songs can be hit or miss, however.  For example, Break Every Chain is a beautiful worship song. It’s not lyrically or theologically dense, but it says enough to remind those who know better that Jesus Christ came to set the captives free (Luke 4:18)! Meanwhile, I’m Getting Ready, featuring Nicki Minaj, takes the focus off Christ and offers up more of a prosperity-focused message. I’ve previously discussed the doctrinal problems with this song as well as the issue with the collaboration.

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid "Real Talk Kim" in 2018!

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid "Real Talk Kim" in 2018!

I was first introduced to Jones-Pothier through Preachers of Atlanta, an Oxygen network reality show chronicling the lives and ministries of select Atlanta-based pastors. Around the time I watched the show I didn’t necessarily see much wrong with it outside of Leandria Johnson’s storyline and ministry and a lot of the things that Judah guy had to say. But by God’s grace, as I’ve grown in Christ since then, I can see how the show as a whole was problematic. And though I once loved me some “Real Talk Kim”, I also now see that her ministry is out of order and her teaching is riddled with error.

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid Devon Franklin in 2018!

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid Devon Franklin in 2018!

Franklin, famously wed to actress Meagan Good, is a Hollywood executive, author, and ordained minister. Getting his start in entertainment as an unpaid intern for Will Smith, Franklin has since climbed the ranks, building an extensive filmography along the way. His works include, but are not limited to, faith-based films such as Heaven is For Real, Not Easily Broken, Miracles from Heaven and, most recently, The Star Movie.  In his latest book, The Hollywood Commandments: Spiritual Guide to Secular Success Franklin attributes his Hollywood success to his ability to find a happy middle ground between living by secular and spiritual principles. “Too often, some people are too spiritual and they don’t recognize the value of the secular, and some people are secular and don’t recognize the value of the spiritual. And what I realize is I believe success is a combination of both,” Franklin said in a recent interview with the Breakfast Club. Franklin also argues it is possible to be wildly successful in the secular world without losing one’s faith. In fact, he says God told him to write The Hollywood Commandments to teach the Body of Christ how to be successful. Telling a crowd during one of his preaching engagements, “After 20 years of tremendous favor, God said, ‘DeVon. I want you to teach what you’ve learned in Hollywood to My people.’”

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid John Gray in 2018!

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid John Gray in 2018!

An associate pastor at Lakewood Church, Gray has served under Joel Osteen's leadership for more than five years. However, it was recently announced that Gray will be relocating this year to begin his new role as senior pastor of Redemption Church in Greenville, South Carolina. 

Gray’s personality is charming and unassuming. His preaching style is lively, often incorporating comedy, singing, dancing, and random references to popular secular music. He's so relevant and entertaining that, if you're not careful, you won't even notice he's uttering all manner of doctrinal errors and theological confusion.  Gray, who tends to preach around the truth, will make mention of Jesus by name, and he may even speak of our need for the Gospel, but he never quite gets around to actually teaching it. He also offers up a wealth of spiritual platitudes and often inserts misapplied scriptures that his teaching actually sounds meaty to the undiscerning. But, ultimately, his speech is filled with empty words and his disturbingly odd (if not outright demonic) take on God's word.