As homosexuality and same-sex marriage are embraced in the mainstream, the question is decreasingly whether either is wrong. Instead, there is growing concern over when Christians will finally, en masse, get with the times and open the Church’s doors to same-sex wedding ceremonies and gay pastors.
In a previous post ,“Questions from my Gay Friends: Do You Eat Shellfish”, I attempted to answer one of the most most prevalent, albeit scornful, questions posed by those seeking to challenge the Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin. Thus, as a Christian AND a loud, proud shellfish connoisseur, I felt it my duty - nay, my OBLIGATION - to address that question with the utmost urgency!
I honestly enjoyed writing that piece and believe, by the grace of God, I was able to offer a thoughtful answer to one of the most infamous trump cards used in the "Homosexuality vs Christianity" debate.
But I'm also aware that some questions truly do come from a sincere place, and I believe those inquiries deserve to be directly addressed. There are LGBT-identifying Christian men and women who may feel overlooked as each side attempts to trump the other with its ideologies. I’ve decided to dedicate this post to them.