
Questions from My Gay Friends: Part 2- What About Gay Christians?

Questions from My Gay Friends: Part 2- What About Gay Christians?

As homosexuality and same-sex marriage are embraced in the mainstream, the question is decreasingly whether either is wrong. Instead, there is growing concern over when Christians will finally, en masse, get with the times and open the Church’s doors to same-sex wedding ceremonies and gay pastors.

In a previous post ,“Questions from my Gay Friends: Do You Eat Shellfish”, I attempted to answer one of the most most prevalent, albeit scornful, questions posed by those seeking to challenge the Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin. Thus, as a Christian AND a loud, proud shellfish connoisseur, I felt it my duty - nay, my OBLIGATION - to address that question with the utmost urgency!

I honestly enjoyed writing that piece and believe, by the grace of God, I was able to offer a thoughtful answer to one of the most infamous trump cards used in the "Homosexuality vs Christianity" debate.

But I'm also aware that some questions truly do come from a sincere place, and I believe those inquiries deserve to be directly addressed. There are LGBT-identifying Christian men and women who may feel overlooked as each side attempts to trump the other with its ideologies. I’ve decided to dedicate this post to them.


Questions from my Atheist Friends: Part 2 (God, Jesus + Heaven)

Questions from my Atheist Friends: Part 2 (God, Jesus + Heaven)

As I noted in Part I of this series, I chose to engage this discussion after discerning the exercise would help offer atheists a better understanding of people of Faith. I certainly received more clarity on what atheism is and isn't. Yet, I noticed that as our conversation transitioned from debating science to my imparting more spiritual truths, my atheist friends seemed to back off. By the time we began speaking not only about the existence of God, but about Jesus Christ and the concept of eternity, I was down to only about two attentive "opponents", whom I gathered were actually more interested in what I was sharing than a desire to prove it wrong.  

Here are the remaining top questions posed by my atheist friends. 

Questions from my Atheist Friends: Part 1 (God, Science + Hell)

Questions from my Atheist Friends: Part 1 (God, Science + Hell)

Recently, I somehow found myself in the midst of a theological debate with some "umpteen" atheists, most of whom I gathered were intellectuals.  They seemed to enjoy whittling God down to merely an “imaginary friend” and more than a few of them called me everything but a child of God (pun intended).

Perhaps I should have just ignored them. Perhaps I shouldn’t have even given them the satisfaction of a response.

But as mature as I’d like to think I am, I’m still a teeeeeeeeeeennnny weeeeeeennny bit PETTY! (I’m working on that.)

Since I was rather intrigued by the exchange, I collected some of their best questions and statements...and I've decided to expound on my responses in a two part series for your ease of reading. This part covers questions about God, Science and Hell. Part II (not yet published) will cover questions about God, Jesus Christ and Heaven.  

God certainly helped me wade my way through this experience, so please feel free to shelve some of this theological goodness. Who knows? Maybe one day you, too, will find yourself in the midst of a random Twitter battle with umpteen non-believers. Enjoy!