Current Events

God Wins: A Gospel-Centric "Pride Month" Series

God Wins: A Gospel-Centric "Pride Month" Series

As most of you may be aware, June is LGBT Pride Month.  However, most may not be aware that June is also Truth + Fire’s anniversary month. (Yay! We’re turning 4 this year!)  Of course, this blog’s mission and the LGBT agenda are diametrically opposed.  Yet, I’ve decided to intersect our respective celebrations with a Pride Month series.

You read that correctly!  

From my thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner and Kim Davis to answering some of my gay friends’ most pressing questions, all of Truth + Fire’s LGBT-related content has been curated into a single collection for your reading pleasure this June.

I pray you find this series edifying, and I hope God graces you to share it (and the Gospel of Jesus Christ) with your LGBT-identifying friends and family this month and beyond.

With all the peace and love God intends,


The Great Awokening: On Black Panther, Black Identity & the Black Christian

The Great Awokening: On Black Panther, Black Identity & the Black Christian

Black Panther did well to bring black representation to the big screen, and I was delighted to see men and women who look like me playing roles that weren't of the “thug” or “slave” variety. Black despondence nor dejection were on the menu for this film, and I am 100% here for it. I’m also here for the diversity this film brings to media and entertainment. As far as film productions go, Black Panther was quality all around, and I sincerely believe it is Oscar-worthy. It really was THAT good!

But as other moviegoers across social media have shared their feedback on the film these past few days, the hype has reached a level that has caused me concern for my people - my Family in Christ.

What about Zac Posen?: Why Attacking Jack Phillips Isn't Fair

What about Zac Posen?: Why Attacking Jack Phillips Isn't Fair

Many Americans are having a hard time grasping why Christian baker Jack Phillips declined to make a custom cake for a gay wedding.  One would think the conflict is obvious, but there are many who seem to be appalled, if not downright enraged, by Mr. Phillips and his position. There's been very little attempt to view his position with care and understanding. Instead, there have been tweets, Facebook posts, thought pieces and political pundits seemingly committed to dragging the man through the mud. They say Mr. Phillips wasn't motivated by sincerely-held convictions to decline to make the cake.  They say he was motivated by "bigotry"! They say he was motivated by "hate"!

I say that is malarkey.

I say, those who desire to malign Mr. Phillip’s convictions aren’t only being grossly disingenuous, they're being wholly hypocritical.

What the Church MUST Do to Address #ChurchToo

What the Church MUST Do to Address #ChurchToo

#ChurchToo is now trending.

Taking its cue from social media’s explosive #MeToo campaign, #ChurchToo allows victims of sexual harassment, assault and abuse in a church setting to share their stories. While some are taking this as an opportunity to leave Church, I'd like to offer up a few things the Church MUST do to make things right going forward. 

That Ain't the Work of the Lord! Thoughts on the Tasha Cobbs/Nicki Minaj Collab

That Ain't the Work of the Lord! Thoughts on the Tasha Cobbs/Nicki Minaj Collab

In Tasha's defense, "I'm Getting Ready" (ft. Nicki Minaj) doesn’t actually stray from the prevailing message in today's Gospel music. I read the song's lyrics today and, of course, I really read Nicki's verse. Honestly, I didn't find anything out of the norm.

Unfortunately, however, in most Gospel music today the "norm" is about glorifying SELF! Most Gospel music today, at least most mainstream music coming out of the INDUSTRY, is shrouded not in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (as it is truly revealed in Scripture), but in a "prosperity Gospel". THAT "gospel" makes EVERYTHING about YOU! It milks God for material wealth and health, and it lays claim to "blessings" while altogether neglecting to glorify the "Blesser".

Christian Persecution is Coming to America

Christian Persecution is Coming to America

Yesterday, we celebrated the 241st "birthday" of our nation's Declaration of Independence.  But for the past few weeks, I've actually been contemplating matters relating to our Constitution. I'm aware that the U.S. Constitution wouldn't become the law of the land for another decade, two months and 13 days after we declared our independence from British rule.  And I can respect the amount of painstaking time, energy and thought our Forefathers put into creating our "more perfect Union" and the "supreme law" that would rule it. Yet, with all that is going on in our nation and the world, I've been considering lately how desperately fragile this document, and the rights granted therein, actually are. 

Truth is, I'm of the mind that Christian persecution will become a widespread norm in the United States - probably in my lifetime.  I don’t mean persecution of the "Starbucks-removed-the-Christmas-tree-from-their- red- cups” variety (which, by the way, isn’t persecution at all given that Christmas is a man-made holiday rooted in pagan practices AND one that Jesus never told us to celebrate in the first place. But that’s another post). I’m talking about the type of persecution the early Church endured. 

Why the Bible Needs a Place in Modern American Society: Ironic Lessons from the Huffington Post and Keith Burton

Why the Bible Needs a Place in Modern American Society: Ironic Lessons from the Huffington Post and Keith Burton

Huffington Post Religion recently published a piece entitled "The Bible Has No Place in Modern American Society: Sobering Lessons from Donald Trump and Kim Burrell". But as the author, Keith Burton, attempts to argue why the Bible is a "dangerous book" that needs to be "delegitimized" in America, he inadvertently makes a case for the VERY reason the Bible is so necessary for us today. Read on as I highlight the various follies and ironies that Burton (and the Huffington Post) present to (unintentionally) undermine their own case.   

God Trumps Man: Why Donald Trump is Perfect for America

God Trumps Man: Why Donald Trump is Perfect for America

Despite what many may think, Donald Trump is uniquely qualified to represent America at such a time as this. Here's why I believe he is God's perfect choice to make our nation great again.  

How Jesus Wants Us to Judge Orlando and Other Tragic Events

How Jesus Wants Us to Judge Orlando and Other Tragic Events

When tragedy strikes, judgment from outsiders usually follows. We ask ourselves why it happened, and many are tempted to offer up an explanation.  Jesus certainly says judgment is necessary in these instances. But it's important to understand whom He says we should be judging in the midst of tragedy and why. Here's how Jesus wants us to judge Orlando and other tragedies in our world.